Sailor Jupiter
Dub Name: Lita
Japanese NAME: Makoto
Name Meaning: Sincerity of Wood
AKA: Sailor Jupiter, Super Sailor Jupiter
Birthday: December 5, 1978
Astro Sign: Saggitarius
Fav. Color: Green, Sugar Pink
Fav. Place: Rome
Hobbies: Cooking, Bargain Hunting, Boy Chasing, Plants, House Keeping
Blood Type: O
Height: 5'6"
Favorite Subject: Home Economics
Least Fav. Subject: Physics
Strong Points: Fighting (Martial Arts, Cooking, Bargaining
Bad Habit: Stuttering
Fav. Pet: Tropical Fish - Fav. Animal: Horse
Afraid Of: Airplanes
Motto: "Stand like a Peony, Sit like a Botan, Walk like a Wisteria flower."

Jupiter Thunder Crash,
Jupiter Thunder Clap Zap,
Supreme Thunder (causes lots of lightning to come out of tiara which is then thrown at an enemy)
Supreme Thunder Dragon (calls a dragon made of lightning to attack enemies)
Sparkling Wide Pressure (summons a ball of lightning in to hand which is then thrown at enemy)
Jupiter Oak Evolution (causes dozens of green leaves to fly about which in-turn electrocute the enemy)